Fractional Skin Resurfacing

Fractional Skin Resurfacing, also known as Fraxel®, is a non-ablative laser procedure used to remove signs of aging, scarring, and diminish sun damaged.

Fractional Skin Resurfacing works through the breakup of laser energy into micro beams that only treat a portion of the skin’s surface. These micro beams create columns of energy into the affected area and destroy the tissue that extend through the epidermis to the dermis and the following healing produces new skin that looks and feels softer, smoother and younger looking skin.

Hand Rejuvenation Using A Palomar Erbium Laser

Fractional Skin Resurfacing can feel like a rubber band “snap”. It may be slightly uncomfortable varying on each patient’s pain tolerance. There is minimal downtime with Fractional Skin Resurfacing. You can experience redness and swelling to treated areas for up to 5 days.

You may also experience a bronzed look once the redness subsides for approximately 3-14 days and the bronzed skin may peel off revealing fresh new skin. Ask a Danik practitioner about our S.O.S. Post Laser skin regimen to reduce redness and swelling, and help with the healing process.

Benefits of Fractional Skin Resurfacing

  • Fine lines and wrinkles – diminishing the appearance of crow’s feet and brow lines

  • Surface scarring – erasing the effects of acne and other scarring

  • Pigmentation – minimizing the appearance of age spots

  • Sun damage – helping to reverse skin damage

  • Actinic Keratosis (AK) – a common pre-cancerous skin condition

  • Laser Skin Resurfacing has many benefits

Real Life Results:


Fractional Skin Resurfacing Treatment Plan

Fraxel can feel like a rubber band “snap”. It may be slightly uncomfortable depending upon each patient’s pain tolerance. There is minimal downtime; however, you may experience redness and swelling in treated areas for up to 5 days.

Before and during fractional laser treatments, you must avoid any type of sun exposure or self-tanners. Additionally, you should refrain from using any type of retinoid (topical/oral) products. Patients are given a post-treatment regimen to follow, and after your final treatment, a skincare specialist will recommend the proper at-home regimen to maintain optimal results and prevent future skin damage.

Contact us today to schedule your Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment.

For years shaving certain parts of my body has been a daily routine of mine. At first I was skeptical about doing Laser Hair Removal because i'm not one to tolerate pain but when the team at Danik told me that it felt like a pinch I decided to give it a shot, a few treatments later I feel amazing about my skin and no longer need to shave everyday!

Matthew H.

Danik Customer

ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL SERVICE from the team at Danik! I've been doing laser treatments with Danik and the team there really puts me at ease when I have questions and makes me feel like family when i walk into the clinic. I look forward to all of my appointments and tell all my girlfriends about danik!

Sarah M.

Danik Customer


Post Treatment

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You’ll notice a significant difference within 2-3 sessions, but within 8-12 weeks patients typically see the full benefits of their treatment.

Following a Fraxel treatment, you will experience some degree of redness, swelling or a sunburn sensation. All are signs that your body’s natural healing process is producing collagen and building undamaged new skin from the inside out.

Patients who are pregnant, taking oral retinoids such as Roacutane within 6 months, and/or topical retinoids within 2 weeks should not have this treatment. Also not recommended for this treatment are patients with recent sun exposure for approximately 4 weeks, as well as those with a history of keloid scarring.

Patients of any skin types and any age can have this procedure done. This treatment typically appeals to individuals looking for a minimally invasive procedure to increase skin elasticity and treat wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, sun damaged skin, melasma (pregnancy mask), and surgical/traumatic scars.

Several sessions may be required depending on the condition that is being treated. Up to 6 sessions are most common. It takes multiple treatments to address 100% of the skin’s surface, spacing treatments within a few weeks of each other.