Back-to-School Teen Acne Treatment

Teen Acne

Acne can be heartbreaking for a teen, especially because it appears at that self-conscious age marking the transition from childhood to adulthood. It’s a time when hormonal changes trigger an increase in the skin’s sebum (oil) production, which clogs pores and leads to the development of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), pustules (pimples), and cysts (boil-like […]

Acne Scar Removal: Change your looks to change your life.

Acne may not be a life-threatening condition, but the legacy of embarrassing dark spots, pock marks, and ice-pick scars can be devastating. Among teens, outbreaks may stunt social development. And as adults, the damage done to skin often results in a lack of self-esteem that negatively impacts one’s personal and professional life. Why be the […]