Last-Minute Holiday Shopping Tips

According to ABC News, the four-day run-up to Christmas is the busiest for retailers nationwide. That means killer crowds inside the mall, traffic jams outside the mall, and not a parking space in sight. Once again you’ve procrastinated, and now it’s the eleventh hour. To complete your shopping faster, better and more affordably, we’ve got […]

10 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays bring out the best in us. But sometimes they bring out the worst in the form of stress, anxiety and sleeplessness. Don’t let the pressure of nonstop parties, shopping, cooking and entertaining take the shine off your holiday spirit. Here are some tips for staying “chill” even when your to-do list is longer […]

Top 10 Holiday Beauty Tips

‘Tis the season to eat, drink, dress up, and make merry. But all that partying can take a toll on your appearance and stamina. Thank goodness we’ve got some great tips that will have you looking and feeling like a million through the last strains of Auld Lang Syne. Tired, Blood-Shot Eyes: These are the […]