Stand More; Sit Less.

It’s literally a matter of life and death. Fact: Sitting too much is detrimental to your health, so much so that it can contribute to obesity, heart attack, stroke, lung disease, cancer, osteoporosis and joint problems. According to the Miami Herald, “A study conducted by the American Cancer Society, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology […]

How to Keep those Post-Diet Pounds Off

Congratulations! You’ve just lost 35 pounds, and now you’re down to a size you haven’t worn in years. That’s the good news, but it comes with a caveat. To keep that weight off, you’re going to have to be every bit as vigilant as you were while dieting. Why do we gain weight so easily […]

Maybe it’s time for a tummy tuck.

  Just ask yourself this … • Do you have a protruding belly despite your daily exercise regimen? • Has your abdominal skin become increasingly lax and unsightly since giving birth? • After losing weight, have you found it impossible to regain the flat stomach of your youth? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it […]