Skincare Tips for the Over-50 Set

Susan Sarandon … George Clooney … Tina Turner … Denzel Washington … Each is over 50 and all look faaaabulous, proving that you can age with style but fight the accompanying wrinkles,  sags and bags every step of the way. Yes, gray hair, laugh lines, and reading glasses inevitably come with maturity, but if you […]

The Natural Look is Back for Fall

Say goodbye to heavy eyeliner and mascara, and stow away those outrageous lipsticks and nail polishes. This autumn, soft colors are de rigueur, and over-the-top is definitely out. In fact, according to the fashion trendsetters, we’ll all be choosing light, skin-toned makeup, coupled with minimalist accents, such as neutral powders complemented by lipstick and blush […]

Skincare South Florida Style

Bounded by water and sandy beaches, South Florida enjoys a subtropical climate with plenty of humidity and sun. The humidity is good for your skin, helping to keep it hydrated. The sun, however, is bad for your skin, exposing it to damaging ultraviolet radiation. What’s a girl or guy to do? Take care of that […]

Here’s looking at you, kid!

  That was Bogie’s line in Casablanca. It was delivered as he gazed upon the flawless visage of Ingrid Bergman, whose luminous complexion was the stuff of Hollywood legend. Not liking what you’re looking at these days? Perhaps it’s time for some facial restoration.  Why let the ravages of time, sun exposure, and acne put […]